Saturday, June 13, 2020

An Essay About your Speech at the Annual TED Conference - 1100 Words

An Essay About your Speech at the Annual TED Conference (Essay Sample) Content: Name:Professor:Course:Date:My Speech at the TED ConferenceTED is a set of international seminars managed by Sampling Foundation. The slogan of the conferences promotes knowledge sharing among people. TED summits bring together individuals from various professions. Discussions on academic topics such as mathematics, science, business, economics and literature take place during the meetings. Critics explain that the global conventions promote innovation and creativity. The mission of the event is to inspire and challenge through organized talks and demonstrations. Speakers have eighteen minutes to deliver speeches. Attendees get the opportunity to interact with leaders and influential individuals. My speech would explain the importance of internet in marketing for companies because it is my field of study.My eighteen-minute formal address would illustrate how the internet reduces the marketing costs for corporations. The employment of sales people to market and sell pro ducts is costly. Online marketing enables the corporates to reduce the employment costs by using the internet and computers. Thomas explains that companies save transport and accommodation costs through the web (141). The internet eliminates the need of paying marketers to travel while marketing a product. Internet minimizes the advertising costs. Advertising through radio, television and newspapers is expensive compared to online marketing. Internet marketing eliminates the need for purchasing stock for display. The content of my speech would explain how companies lower marketing costs through the web.The oration at the TED conference would explain how the internet creates good customer relationships. Online chat rooms facilitate companies to communicate with the client on a regular basis. Marketers utilize the chat room to explain and give directions about the use of a specific product. Corporations create an online customer care service that permits clients to launch complaint s. Customers submit reviews about the reliability and effectiveness of the purchased products through the customer care service (Kabani 117). Companies create a working relationship by sending follow up messages to thank the client for buying a product. Sending emails with special offers aids in the maintenance of customer relationships. The speech contents would illustrate that the web aids companies to foster decent client relations.The talk would clarify how the use of internet marketing is convenient for companies. Physical marketing requires the company to dispatch a team of marketers in various locations. Online market enables the company to be available on a twenty-four-hour basis. Thomas explains that 67% of multinational corporations prefer online marketing because of convenience (122). The management does not worry about overtime operations and the physical presence of marketers. Corporations sell the products in any part of the globe without establishing branches to faci litate availability. Clients access the online stores at convenient periods without making a physical appearance. My TED conference lecture would explain how the use of internet marketing increases convenience for corporations.My formal address at the TED conference would illustrate the significance of online marketing for companies. My speech contents would elucidate how companies reduce the marketing costs through internet marking. Internet use m...

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